Skin Demon - The Blog of Jeremy Garrett - New York City's Best Custom Tattoo Artist

Stan Lee is WOW'ed by the Jeremy Garrett's Tattoo Work!

I recently had one of, if not the most, proudest moment in my career as an artist.  On March 3rd, at the Emerald City Comiccon in Seattle, WA, my client Dave McCrory showed legendary comic book hero Stan Lee the custom comic piece I designed and have been tattooing on him.  Mr. Lee was highly impressed and went so far as to sign the tattoo.  In short order, of course we will be making that autograph permanent.   Having studied at SVA in NYC and majoring in comic book design and illustration, Stan Lee has always been huge inspiration to me.  Over the years I've worn out at least one copy of his book "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way".   It has been a bible to me.  I'm highly honored by Mr. Lee's reaction to my work. My little girls are also comic book addicts and are familiar with Stan Lee.  After seeing how Mr. Lee reaction to my work filled them with pride in their father, this has become a priceless treasure to me.  Thank you Mr. Lee and Mr. McCrory for this wonderful gift. 


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